Saturday, 25 August 2012


So, these have been a trying few weeks. I am currently in the middle of resitting some exams. Exams on which my future literally depends. The outcome of these tests will influence the rest of my life, to some degree. Further, I am blindly stumbling through a spiritual crisis and balancing home and family troubles simultaneously.

I have been meaning to write on perspective for some weeks now, but I have not felt ready. I want to sit and write on understanding and perceiving the world - its technical brilliance and rich history. I want to write articles for those whose life is crumbling and tell them to strive forward. That the good and bad in life do not taint one another.

This is not an eloquent, redrafted and refined post. It is a chance to vent. To open up and say "I want to write, I want to explore - but I am tired, I am stressed. Inside I am shutting down - yet I am pushing on

 ...I am not done yet"

Image Owner: Kimiagar


  1. Replies
    1. Then you simulate the cake and keep on trying...

  2. Hope everything gets better soon and maybe take a bit of time to relax after you finish your resits, it sounds like you need it.

    1. Oh I definitely need to relax - but I have so much lined up. More blogging, running a pub for a week, writing for newspapers and magazines...

      Life's pretty short, I guess I should make the most of its opportunities (:

    2. I keep saying that to myself as well but I am a bit annoyed that I had more free time when I was sitting my exams than I do now during the holidays, hope you have a lovely day ;)

  3. Hey! I like your blog, it has some beautiful ideas and images. I hope you'll be feeling better soon though and that your passion for writing will return and it'll come to you easily again and not be just an obligation. Greeting!

    Btw.: I chose the same layout as you for my blog


    1. Thank you very much (: it means a lot

      Ah I do love this layout - very simple. It doesn't distract from the what I'm trying to get across to the reader

      Dftba (:

  4. I've been there and back many times, my friend. I hope you are feeling better by the time you get this reply. I'm so glad I subscribed to your blog. You are a natural and you will go on to accomplish anything you set your mind to. I know it. A very nice image. Expresses a lot. Well chosen.
    I am here. Donna

    1. Thanks very much Donna (: I'm not overly happy with this post, it feels rushed and ill-thought out. But I felt I should get some of this pent up frustration out (: Shall return to regular articles soon I feel.

      And thanks for the support and belief (: it means a lot

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I am in the exact same situation as you, so I can understand very well how much that weighs.

    But don't worry. When you find a stone, climb on it. Then, jump. They are there to be used the way you want it to be.

    Expect to be alone. People can support you, but they have their own paths to walk on.

    And this was on my blog today, I think it's worth sharing:

    "Be in charge of your own destiny, or some one else will."
    ~~ Jack Welch

    1. Thanks very much (: advice and some life experience are always welcome. Everything should be back to normal soon, with a bit of luck.
